A Guide To Happiness

A Guide To Happiness

Happiness. It can be a loaded word for some…

For most of my life, that word seemed just out of reach.

When you’re growing up in a Midwest middle income household.  With 3 older sisters and one younger brother, you basically only wear hand me downs for your entire childhood.  That does not equate to happiness to a pre-teen.  That usually means misery.  Add to that an alcoholic father and losing your sister in a car accident when you’re 11 years old and happiness is like a red balloon that you let go of in your yard.  Never to be seen again.

When I turned 18—the same age my sister was when she died—I realized I had to fight for my own happiness. No one was coming to save me. This was an internal job. It started with me.

My journey to happiness began with a steep but steady climb. True happiness, as it turns out, doesn’t happen overnight.

I took on this mission like a J. O. B. Diving headfirst into the world of personal development, I read every book from Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance to Power Vs Force. I studied every guru out there: Pema Chodron, Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsh, Eckhart Tolle, Oprah. (Oh wow, did I watch a lot of Oprah.)

The climb was long and hard at times, but I found my way to the top of the mountain and even started downhill. (The view, the trees, the easy road ahead! I’d done it!)

Then at 35, I got married to the man of my dreams. Brand.  New.  Mountain.  At 38, I had Jack. He was seven weeks early. And then he cried for six straight months. Zoe came along at 40. And I realized I was only at base camp. There in front of me stood Mt. Everest.

I had to start climbing again…

So, that’s exactly what I did, and what I do. Every single day.

I climb for my kids.

So they don’t have a mom who acts all happy on Facebook but yells at them every night.
I climb for my husband.

So he’s not married to a woman who gets resentful when he works late and punishes him by withholding sex.
I climb for my siblings.

Because they already lost one sibling and don’t deserve to lose another—to anger, sorrow, frustration or stress.
I climb for other moms.

Moms who know deep down that they deserve more and desperately want to go to the edge but are afraid to even venture out of their tents.
The journey isn’t easy. It’s long, hard and treacherous at times. But one thing I know for sure is that we can’t climb alone. We need a team. We need a whole village of sisters to help us up this mountain.

We need Oprah and Deepak and wine. (So. Much. Wine.)

Together, we can uncover what true happiness looks like. Hell, we can even design our own path to get there. We don’t need a map. We need a sisterhood. We need some accountability. We need the right tools, support and some dark chocolate. Then we can master this mountain together, with the right mindset and the right women. That’s the tribe I’m building, with every blog I create.

Because we need to share our wins. We need to own our happiness. We need to find as much joy along this journey as humanly possible. We need to share more of what we DO want. And put some energy, attention and focus on the GOOD in our lives. No more ranting about the rain or venting about our negative spouses. We need to blow up our own damn red balloons and fill our entire lives—our houses, our cars, our minds—with happiness.

We need to take each others’ hands, get to the top of the mountain and shout down over the tiny rooftops: We love our lives!

So, I’m asking you to climb. To climb for you, to climb with me, to climb for your kids, for your relationship, for the happiness that you know you deserve.

Who’s with me?

We start now.

Happi Mom Squad Fast Track – hms2.myhappilife.com

You are not alone… I know how you feel.

You are not alone… I know how you feel.

Recently I felt overwhelmed.  I had too much on my plate for one women to handle.  I didn’t want to get out of bed and face my day and all the challenges that we’re headed my way. There was a mountain to climb and I just wasn’t up for the task.  

Have you ever felt overwhelmed?  

You are not alone.   

I had the desire to feel better.  I have so much to be grateful for.  But it was hard to get back up.  I was frustrated.  I was impatient with my kids.  I was snapping at my husband. I wasn’t making my health a priority.  I couldn’t get on top of it all.  

Have you ever felt like you can’t control your reactions?  

You are not alone. 

I have incredible people in my life.  I’ve fallen down before, and always picked myself back up.  But when I’m in the middle of the storm it’s hard to see my way out.  I worry more.  My negative thoughts get the best of me.  And it continues to spiral out of control.  

Have you ever felt like life is harder than it should be?  

You are not alone.  

I’m happy to say I did pick myself back up.  It took a new plan, some accountability, and a nudge from a friend to start back up that mountain.  I knew it was possible.  I just couldn’t see where to start.  Luckily this time it didn’t last long.  It was only a matter of days not weeks or months.  But the funk still felt unbearable.  I’ve been working on my STATE, my STORY and my STRATEGIES for living a happy life for a LONG time.  It seems like lifetimes.  And it still happens.    

If that happens to you I want you to know…


If you ever need help or support picking yourself up, I’m here for you.  I’m committing to my monthly (at least) blogs again.  Because that’s one way I can hold myself accountable to BE who I want to be.  Its important to me to live my truth.  To show up genuinely and authentically as my highest self.  And to support as many women as possible to do the same.  

So I’m back.  And I’m excited to engage with you again.  

I have a new round of my Happi Mom Squad starting in October.  

THIS is my deepest passion.  And what I’m here to do in this lifetime. The sisterhood that is formed in my Happi Mom Squad programs, the women who make me feel that I am not alone, that’s why I do what I do.  

I started Happi Mom Squad because I was sick.  

I was sick of worrying that I’m not doing enough or parenting my kids right.  
I was sick up fearing that I’m F’ing up my kids, or my marriage or myself. 
I was sick of drowning my frustrations in food, or drinks or gossip or reality TV.  (Or all 4..) 
I was sick of doubting myself.  
I was sick of feeling pulled in a million different directions.  
I was sick of not making ME a priority.  And focusing only on EVERYONE else in my life.  

If you’re sick and tired of settling for a life that doesn’t help you live your highest self.  Then please join me and the amazing group of women we have already joining this 8 week program.  

We start October 8th.  You can find all details here. http://hms2.myhappilife.com/fast-track

As an extra bonus, because sometimes we need a little extra push to get started up this mountain to happiness, the first 10 women who sign up will receive my $97 audio program called 4 Simple Steps To Manifest Anything.  So you can quickly manifest not only an easy trek up this beast of a mountain, but also a great relationship, your ideal health, a fulfilling career and whatever it is you TRULY desire.  (Yes that’s all totally possible) 

This life is so precious.  I’m ready to take it to a whole new level.  I hope you’ll join me.

How To Prepare Your Kids While You’re Away

How To Prepare Your Kids While You’re Away

If you read my blog last week about Why Moms Need To Travel  you know I’m an advocate of Moms traveling solo. I travel for work and pleasure often.  And have found a WONDERFUL way to prepare the kids, and our whole family for my time away.  (Tips on Mommy guilt coming later…)

Here are some of the tools I’ve used that have made traveling a LOT easier.

First and foremost spend LOTS of one on one time with them before you leave.Need I say more?  If you’re a parent you get it.


I buy a dollar store gift for every day I’m gone.  It helps them get excited to get out of bed and my husband has really easy mornings with them when they have this to look forward to and keep them busy.  They usually contain simple games, or an easy dot to dot coloring book, or painting project.  They love them.  Quick warning…husbands don’t like Silly String 🙂


In a jar with a label I leave 1 kiss for each kid for each day that I’m away.  This way when there are only a few left they know I’ll be home soon.  And they know I’m thinking of them and this is my “KISS”.


I can’t leave without a detailed spreadsheet for everyone who will be helping out.  It includes their daily schedule, their morning, afterschool and evening routines.  Everyone and anyone’s phone numbers, including friends parents for play dates.  All of their activities are on there.  Who’s picking up who when.  AND their logins for certain apps or websites they might use.  Like ABC Mouse or Lexia Core.



I can’t forget about my first love. 🙂  I leave daily cards or notes for my husband so he knows how grateful I am for him while he’s doing extra duties around the house and with the kids.  I’ve left little notes in our shower or bathroom and full handwritten cards and letters.  Sometimes I ask the kids to give them to him once I’m gone in a nice box so they have that to look forward to the day I leave.


I always ask my kids to give me one of their “lovies” or stuffed animals while I travel.  So I can take photos of where I am and show them what I’m up to.  They know that I snuggle these lovies at night and think about them all the time.  These lovies have more fun then the average person.  🙂  One time they were dancing on stage in front of hundreds of people.  The kids LOVED it.


Once I started doing all of this when I went out of town it was a LOT easier to leave.  My kids don’t whine about it.  They actually look forward to it. 🙂

I always return with a present or a treat.  And even if they miss me while I’m gone they have a lot of reinforcement that I’m thinking of them and that I’ll be back soon.

Will my kids be ok while I’m away?

The answer is HELL YES they will.

Now for those Moms who are longing to travel but still feel their kids will not be ok without them.  I can tell you from experience it has HELPED my kids.  They realize that they don’t need me for everything. They’re more self-reliant when I’m gone.  I feel it’s ok for kids to miss someone.  It doesn’t break them like we fear.  They’re stronger than we know.  A few days away is just a blip on the radar in their long and beautiful lives.  It’s important for me to teach my kids how to handle challenging situations. How to get by and manage the day without me over their shoulder.  And it teaches them how to have reverence for something, to be grateful when something returns, with gifts. 🙂  When I travel alone it helps them learn all of that.   It has really enhanced our lives.   I hope this enhances yours.

Loving this life and travel,

Founder and Happiness Coach at www.myhappilife.com