I launched a rocket of desire before this school year for the right and perfect teacher.

I got specific in my request.

I asked the Universe for a teacher who was…

Positive. Focused on gratitude. Catered to all learning styles. Very sweet and nurturing. Used a lot of verbal and visual cues. A great communicator. And who really understood my kids needs for breaks and movement.

I can say with 100% certainty that I got the right and perfect teacher for my kids this year.

What a blessing.
What a relief.


In Zoes classroom this morning I sat in on their morning meeting before a field trip.

Listen to some of this magic!!!

They greeted each other by looking in each other’s eyes and shaking hands and saying good morning in Japanese. Yep, Japanese!

THEN they went around the room and shared something they were grateful for!!! (Hold back the tears…)

How amazing!! To do that every morning?! Starting your day at school focused on gratitude?! (You know I was crying…)

So so grateful for this amazing teacher. And for this beautiful day. And for this life experience!!

Intention is a POWERFUL thing.

Have you set a powerful intention lately?

What are you waiting for?

Set one now,




I get triggered.


I have as many challenges as anyone I know. Even though I do this work, working on myself and my inner peace and my happiness, I still get angry. I make mistakes. I lose my temper. I show up as a wounded version of myself.

As much as I try to be that monk on the hill and let all things roll off my back, it doesn’t always happen. I try to channel my inner Nelson Mandela but sometimes I just can’t find it.

There’s one thing I DO know how to do in those situations. I know how to COURSE CORRECT.

First, I’m AWARE of the situation. Not blindly raging thinking it’s everyones fault but my own. I OWN IT. I know it’s about ME. No one else.

I can identify when I’m triggered and I know it’s MY RESPONSIBILITY NOT TO GET TRIGGERED. It’s not the worlds responsibility not to trigger me.

I know that I’m in control of my reactions. No one MAKES ME MAD. I chose to get mad. No one hurts me, I allow myself to BE hurt, or feel hurt. I’m either taking things personally or I’m in my own lane. I’m in my business or their business. What they do or say has nothing to do with me. Unless I let it.

So I find peace in my COURSE CORRECTIONS.

Trying every day to course correct as quickly as possible. So my moments of peace are long and luscious. And my moment of suffering and despair are few and far between. The faster I can course correct the quicker I come back to the true essence of who I am.

HOW do I course correct?

I do the work on my thoughts. I shift to gratitude. I cancel the thought and reach for a better feeling thought. I move into appreciation for this life and even for the situation. My happiness depends on it.

And one thing I know for sure. This life is worth it. It’s too important to walk around wounded and resentful. Drinking poison thinking other people will die. I know better. And DO better, as soon as I can get there.

How do YOU course correct?

Shifting now,




If you are living a REALITY that you don’t want to be living. I can promise you, that you’re thoughts, words and actions have been focused on that reality.

If you want to change your current reality. You can’t start with the ACTIONS first. Because your thoughts and words and feelings are still aligned with it.

You have to CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS first. You have to change your words and your feelings. Your actions can help shift those but you can’t change it though action alone.

To create a new really.


How can you change your thoughts?

Create a cancel process
Shift into gratitude
Move your physical body
Put on music
Use tapping
Do the Byron Katie work
Call a friend
Start talking about what you DO want
Use Future Pulls

Align your THOUGHTS with your DESIRES and you’ll create a REALITY that you DO want.

Are you creating your ideal reality?

If you would like to manifest your ideal reality, shoot me an email. This is one area I have spent 25 years perfecting 🙂

I’m here for you,
