I’ll just get right to it.
Don’t compare your 47 with other people’s 27.
Don’t compare your 47 to your 27 either.
What I mean by that is, the key to having body confidence is loving and accepting your body AS IT IS, RIGHT NOW. In all its’ glory and imperfection. With all its’ lumps and bumps and wrinkles.
I think we get down on our bodies because we’re in constant comparison. With others AND ourselves.
What used to work for me 20 years ago doesn’t work for me anymore. What I could do 20 years ago I can’t do anymore.
And that’s OK. It sure should be ok, it’s been 20 years. And a 47-year-old body that’s had 2 kids should look different than a 27-year-old body. It’s just a fact.
Now I need to be careful with that. I don’t need to accept my body looking worse than I want it to. I don’t need to listen to the bullshit rules out there, like that we gain weight as we get older or that we get weaker or lose flexibility. I don’t need to buy into all that. I just need to fully accept the body that I have in this moment.
At OTF today we ran a PR 1 mile. When I heard we were doing that I got a little nervous. I had flashbacks to my days running races and working with a running coach. I’ve never been a ‘runner’ or very fast, but I used to work at it and now I don’t. It hurts. For me running a fast mile feels like a near-death experience.
But I ran one today. 20 years ago my fastest mile was a 6.40. And wow. I was so proud of that. Holy shit. That was REALLY fast for ME.
Today I thought I’d push myself and try and run as fast as possible. Could I run a 7.30? Maybe an 8:30? All I knew was that I would run as fast for 1 mile as my legs and heart could carry me.
I ran an 8.05. And wow. I was SO proud of that. Holy shit. That was really fast for 47 year old me.
No judgment. No comparison. Just radical acceptance. I have no idea what other people ran it in. I really don’t care. I never even think to look.
Because for me the key to body acceptance is not comparing myself to anyone else or to a younger version of myself.
This is what my body can do NOW. This is how hard I work to constantly improve it. This is why I’m so proud of THIS body.
Now here come the Big Questions/ Bold Answers ladies…..
Do you wish you had more body confidence?
What contributes to your body confidence?
And can you teach me how to take a better selfie?