Are You Ready for a Next Level Life? (This is not for everyone!)
My Next Level Life Mastermind is not for everyone. Women have to meet certain criteria to even be considered. Why?
Because this work isn’t easy. And it’s not for beginners.
This work is a full investment. In mind, body and soul.
Here are some of the prerequisites to join this sisterhood:
You must be inspiring or have an inspirational mission
- You must have done a lot of work on yourself already, and achieved great success in many areas of your life
- You must have coached with me one on one, or in my group or have read my book
- You must believe in yourself and desire a healthy lifestyle
- You must be willing to dream F’ING HUGE and desire to make a big impact on your family, community, and the world
- You must have strong desires and big challenges, not willing to take the easy road
- You must be fun and willing to let go, stay open and be coachable
- You must understand the power of commitment, and be ALL IN with this sisterhood
- You must come from love, power, and certainty, not fear and lack
- You must be willing to put aside things that no longer serve you and take ACTION ACTION ACTION
This program takes great women who have already achieved a lot of success in life, to extraordinary places. It forces results that you would have never had had you not committed to this. And it creates more transformation than you could have ever imagined possible.
This is big work we’re up to. And you have to be up for it.
If you’re longing for MORE. If you’re ready to step up and actually achieve it. I encourage you to apply.
Buckle your seat belt. This ride is about to get a whole lot more fun!!!

What Are You Most Proud Of?
Someone asked me recently what I’m most proud. My answer was not what she expected. She expected me to say…
- Writing a book
- Or being a mom
- Or starting my business
- Or launching my coaching program
- Or my relationship with my husband
- Or my health and fitness
She rattled those off as potential ideas. But none of that is what I’m most proud of. I’m most proud… of FACING MY FEARS.
Facing my fears of being a mom, facing my fears of being a wife, facing my fears of writing a book, of coaching, of being vulnerable and being real and raw and open and putting myself out there in this world. THAT is what I’m most proud of.
That’s what moves me to tears and what keeps me going. Moving through my fears has been the most powerful thing I’ve ever done. And trust me when I say this. You can do it too.
You may not have a fear around being a mom like I did. Or around getting married. Or starting a business. But you have a fear. I know you do.
No matter what it is you CAN move through it. Once you identify it. (And I know that you know what it is…) Then you have to move past it.
Or it will own you. It has no power over you unless you let it. YOU control your reality. Face your fears… head on. Do what you thought you couldn’t do. And watch your life unfold in a bigger way then you ever imagined.
Have you been longing to live the life you always wanted, but it always feels just out of reach? I’m here to help you take back your dreams. It takes a village, and that’s why I’ve built a community of women just like you who are ready to master their mindsets! Join us here: http://badassmommindset.com/