Just Do It Now – Achieving Your Dreams

Just Do It Now – Achieving Your Dreams

Don’t wait until…

We wrote our dreams in these ornaments every year.

And today I pulled out our old dreams and looked through them.

I had a dream 8 years ago to be a published author.

8 years!! 8 fricken years!!!

What took me so long?

As I pondered that tonight I started thinking about belief. I wanted to write a book 8 years ago. But I didn’t believe I could.

This year I finally believed.

I signed up for a book writing retreat.

I wrote my book in 2 months. And became a best selling author on March 21st.

I could have done that 8 years ago.

Don’t be like me.

Don’t wait 8 years to achieve your dream.

Don’t let a lack of belief stop you.

Don’t wait until you’re 100% ready.

Just do it now.

This awakening has me fired up. Ready to hit the gas peddle to my next dream. No more waiting 8 years.

2019 I’m getting after my dreams. ALL of my dreams.

Who’s with me? #letsdothis


The 21-Day Badass Mom Mindset Mini Retreat Experience will be the ultimate pampering for your mind, body, and soul. Together, we will change our thoughts with like-minded women who are driven, and committed to reaching their goals!

You won’t only receive this badass 21-day online retreat… but you’ll have a Badass Mom Sisterhood alongside you on your journey to give a to add a whole new dimension of inspiration… and motivation to kick ass, and rise to the occasion.

You will receive dynamic support, accountability, and brain juju from some seriously powerful, action-oriented, and successful women that know exactly what it takes to balance being a legit MOGUL and a legit MOM (at the same time).

Learn More

How My Family Course Corrected to Save Our New Years Vacation

How My Family Course Corrected to Save Our New Years Vacation

We were supposed to be leaving for Mexico at 5:45 on the Sunday before New Years. Here’s what happened Saturday night:

We have a car picking us up, we have awesome seats on the plane and hotel reservations. I went downstairs to find all of our passports and my daughter’s passport is expired!

So, uh, we’re already packed. We have all of the details ready but we can’t go tomorrow.

These kinds of things can be devastating. My heart sank to my stomach. I was like, oh my God! My husband reacts to these things with a lot of anger. That’s just where he goes. That’s all he internally knows to do in a situation like that.

But to be perfectly honest, because of all the work I’ve been doing for the last 30 years on my mindset and loving what is, these things don’t really throw me off. Like, yeah, I’m bummed. I had that heart sinking feeling. But immediately I think, so we course correct.

We shift and we figure out what to do about it. Nobody’s died. We’re gonna make something else happen. Do my husband and my son go together and then we get her passport renewed and then we go join them?. It’s a little trickier because it’s New Year’s Eve in two days and then New Year’s day and blah blah blah.

But you know what? None of that really rattles me because when I really look at it, it’s like, oh, we have this amazing luxury vacation that might be postponed or put off. Is that really worth getting worked up over? Is that really worth throwing a fit? It doesn’t even make me sad because I still have this life, I’m still breathing. We still have all that we have in this moment. Everything’s fine.

After a lot of research and some panicking, but mostly on my husband’s part – not a lot of panicking on my part, we are going to get her passport renewed on Monday. We’re all shifting and we’re going on Tuesday instead of Sunday. The hotel is available, thankfully, and we can get new flights. It may cost a little money but none of it is a big deal. We are going to get down there and we’re going to have a vacation.

And what if we couldn’t even have a vacation? What if we lost a ton of money? All that is not a big deal when you love what it is and come back to this present moment.

There are no problems. It’s only the thoughts in our head that creates the problems.

And really, what are we pouting about? A beautiful luxury trip being canceled or moved? Big freaking deal. It is not even something that can rattle my cage.

Yeah, I wish that we’d checked the passports sooner. Duh. Surprisingly, this happened to me one other time. I was supposed to fly with my son on a service trip and his passport was expired so you would think I would have known. But I don’t even beat myself up about it. I just don’t go there. We got his renewed a year ago and we were both a hundred percent sure that we got hers renewed also. Obviously, that didn’t happen so mistakes happen.

My kids were sad at first and I was like, listen, mistakes happen. We course correct and figure out what to do next.

How are we ever going to handle an emergency situation if we can’t handle this? Okay, this is not an emergency. This is a downer. It’s a bummer. And yet everyone’s going to be fine.

We’re going to have a fun day tomorrow. We’re going to do something at home for New Year’s Eve and we’re going to fly out Tuesday morning. And I promise you, I promise you the fact that we’ve had to redirect means there’s a reason for us being there on these other dates. Good things will come our way. Something amazing will happen – because it always does. It always will.

This is life. This is living. This is course correcting. I’m really happy with how I applied all of the things that I’ve learned and teach all of you when it comes to this situation because it works, it works, it works.

This. Shit. Works. 

Discover how to change your mindset.  A new session of the 21-Day Badass Mom Mindset is starting soon.  Learn more here.


Creating a new YOU in the New Year…

Creating a new YOU in the New Year…

How do you create a new YOU in the New Year?

I’ve been doing year-end reviews and planning my new year for longer then I can remember.  

I used to throw New Years Eve parties right out of college and my focus wasn’t just on drinking and celebrating (ok it was mainly that… come on, I was 21) but it was also focused on letting go of the old and bringing in the new.  

I was notorious for having a ‘project’ or process that I asked everyone to do.  

One year we wrote what no longer served us on this biodegradable paper and wrapped it around rocks and threw it into the river off my condo balcony.  😀

Another year we burned our limiting beliefs in a big bonfire on my roof.  

And another year we chose a word or a theme for the New Year and made bracelets with the word on them.  

See, I’ve always been into this stuff. 😀

I also asked people to bring gloves and hats and we donated them to a charity.  Why not ring in the New Year doing something good?

Why let this significant moment in time pass you by without designing a new YOU?  

See, we can create ourselves anew at any moment.  If we choose to. So let’s do some digging and see who we want to BE in 2019.  

Here are a few questions I love to reflect on about the past year:

What was your biggest triumph in 2018?

What was the smartest decision you made in 2018?

What was the greatest lesson you learned in 2018?

Who do you need to forgive?

What area of your life could you have focused more on in 2018?

Where did you fail?  

And then, and only then, can you start to plan your new year and design a new YOU.  

What would you like to be your biggest triumph in 2019?

What advice would your higher self give you going into 2019?

What would you be most happy about completing in 2019?

How can you nurture yourself more?  

What one word/phrase will be your prayer, intention or theme in 2019?

Those are just a few fun questions to get you started.  

Next Level Live MastermindWe do an extensive year-end review and design our new year in my Next Level Life Mastermind.  This year I created an Inner Circle Mastermind where we’ll be together cheering each other on for the whole year of 2019.  

Why?  Because that’s what I wanted to design in my new year.  

And guess what?!  You can too.

Whatever you want to be, do or have you can do in 2019.  Literally. Not 10 years from now, not 5 years from now, NEXT YEAR!

Put some time into every area of your life and look at what you want, why you want it, and how you’re gonna get it. And your New Year will look RADICALLY different than any year before.

Let me know how I can support you being the best YOU in the New Year.  I hope you’ll join me in some fun programs to step into your best self.  

I have a 21 Day Badass Mom Mindset program starting Jan……







Here’s to 2019, may it be your BEST year YET.
