Day 3 – The Belief Challenge

Day 3 – The Belief Challenge

Believe that Nothing is Too Good to be True

Cultivate big dreams.  Believe wholeheartedly that those big dreams will come true.

Our human nature compels us to tend to focus on what hasn’t come true – what is lacking. It’s just where our mind goes. Consider for a moment the MANY things we now have or have done that were once only a dream.

We need to focus more on those.

Life is full of wonder. And awe. And Miracles.

We only have to allow ourselves to see it.

Nothing is impossible. Nothing is too good to be true. Life is full of fairytales.

Look for them. They’re everywhere.

Day 2 – The Belief Challenge

Day 2 – The Belief Challenge

Believe that Friendship is an Honor and Privilege.

Being a great friend has always been extremely important to me.

When I was in high school, I remember someone writing in my yearbook that I was a great friend. That felt amazing and I was so proud!

I didn’t care if people thought I was fun or funny or cool, I just wanted to be a good friend. That was what fueled me and I made a conscious decision to get more of those kinds of comments in my yearbook the following year.

To this day, I still crave deep meaningful friendships. They fill me up in a way that nothing else can.

When we honor and value our friendships, it can bring more joy and fulfillment into our lives.

“If you want trust, trust others. If you want respect, respect others. If you want help, help others. If you want love and peace in your life, give them away. If you want great friends, be one. That’s how it works.” ~Dan Zadra

Today I’m focused on how I can enhance my friendships even more. How I can value and appreciate each of my friends more deeply.

What can you do today to honor your friendships?

Day 1 The Belief Challenge

Day 1 The Belief Challenge

Last year, my mantra was “Believe.”

I explored my beliefs all year long.

Today, I’m starting a 30-day challenge around beliefs. Every day, I’ll post about one belief explored last year that brought me comfort, peace or more consciousness.  Here’s the first one:

Believe this is all meant to be.  

Believe that you are here for a reason.  Find a deeper sense of purpose, as if every single moment of your life was predestined.

You are exactly where you’re meant to be!

  • In the right job, with the right people.
  • Having the right parents and the right children.
  • You are a picture of health and your body is a perfect miracle.
  • There is enough in your bank account.
  • Your relationship is awesome and how it should be.

No mistakes have been made.  Nothing has gone off course.

Now what?

Now, you can move forward.  As a result of your new perspective, you can even change the trajectory of your life, if you want to.

If you were destined to get here, to where you are right now with very little conscious effort, imagine what adding consciousness can do to your future!

For me, becoming more conscious of my choices changed the course of my life.  I went from unconscious and reactionary to conscious and proactive.  The very moment I put conscious effort into the belief that all is as it should be, I recognized that I am here for a reason.

One little shift in my perspective changed my entire experience, my reality.  Present and purposeful, I feel powerful beyond measure.

“Believe in something big. Your life is worth a noble motive.” – Walter Anderson

What would change in your life if you believed all was meant to be and that you are here for a reason?

Let me know on Facebook!