Today I was SUPERMOM!

Today I was SUPERMOM!

My Super Power is – Being a Mom!

Today I had some play dates and ran errands with them. I got dinner on the table and watched a fun movie, had a tickle fest, and rode bikes to get ice cream.

And… I yelled at them. (Like screamed my head off) And sent them to their rooms. Together and separately … and said “oh my fucking God” under my breath about 50 times in just a few hours.

You see this is what it’s like to be a parent … and I don’t care if you judge me!

No, I’m not proud of it. And yes I’m always striving to do better. But I also know how NORMAL it is.  I get that we’re ashamed of it. But raising kids is not easy. If you can do it without raising your voice or flying off the handle you need to write a book, raise my children and become President of the world.

Because, seriously, that’s nearly impossible.

If you’re raising young kids. Especially if they’re as active and explosive and bold and fearless as mine, and you yell sometimes … I want you to know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE! and on top of that, you’re doing a DAMN GOOD JOB!

Are the kids alive? Are you alive? Great job momma! Seriously. We’re way too hard on ourselves.

I find a lot of relief in finding the balance between accepting myself, forgiving myself and striving to do better. I’m ok with that, and so far so are my kids.

So maybe we can be not proud but also not ashamed. And maybe we can cheer each other on when we’re super moms. Maybe we can teach our kids in the process how to radically accept themselves and that shit’s gonna hit the fan sometimes and how to move through it and laugh and forgive and go out for ice cream.

What I do know is every day is a new day. And every day we are here is precious. No regrets!

Can you relate mommas?

To connect with me and other like-minded moms, join us in the Badass Mom Society on Facebook.

Things I’m Not Good At

Things I’m Not Good At

There are some things (many) that I am not good at, that I see other moms doing effortlessly. (Or seemingly effortlessly)

Here’s a short list where my “skills” are lacking:

  1. Shopping with kids.
  2. Staying at home with kids – Designing, decorating, styling. (All aspects of all of these)
  3. Home schooling
  4. Cooking
  5. Organizing
  6. Volunteering at school

I just look at these moms that can do some or all of these things like WOW!! I’m in awe.

Do you ever compare yourself to these Supermoms? I used to. But now I focus on my strengths. I have enough confidence in my gifts that I don’t get envious or jealous. Like:

  1. I can make an awesome green smoothie.
  2. I always have a healthy snack in my purse.
  3. I can design a workout anywhere anytime.
  4. I know how to talk anyone down from any ledge. Literally.
  5. I can turn around a situation and always find the positives.
  6. I can make anyone feel better about any situation.
  7. I make people feel good and comfortable.
  8. Nothing feels too hard for me.
  9. I believe anything’s possible.

My strengths may look different than most moms. We all have strengths, and guess what … we all have weaknesses. When we focus on our strengths, and try and show up as the best mom we can be, not better than anyone else, not trying to show up like that mom or that mom, everyone wins!

Just do you!! 

What do you do really well?

Share some of your strengths below.

On Listening To Your Heart

On Listening To Your Heart

5 years ago 

I finally listened to my heart and officially launched my own coaching business…..

5 years before that

I had everyone around me, including my heart, telling me I should coach. I knew there was a bigger way I could serve, 5 years before that I was working my real “job” but I was coaching every chance I got. I felt the pull to coach and serve every damn day.

I don’t want it to take you as long as it took me.

Have you heard the call? Have you answered the call? I believe we all have many Universal assignments that we need to step up and step into.

For me, one of them was coaching. Helping busy Moms work on their mindset, remove there limiting beliefs, improve their relationships, so they can find more daily happiness. And be the Moms they have always wanted to be. The Moms their kids need them to be.

What does your call sound like? 

Can you hear it? 

How can you clear your head so you can hear your heart? 

For me, I hear a lot of head chatter. But the heart calling is very different.

The heart call is downstream. The heart call is effortless. The heart call is fun. The heart call might be work but it still feels GREAT. The heart call has purpose and meaning. And most of all the heart call is not about me. It’s about how I can SERVE the world.

I realized on this 5 year anniversary that I need to show up more in a place of service than I have recently. In order to serve busy Moms the way I want to, I need to SHOW UP. I need to share what works for me. I need to give, and grow and be here every day for these Mommas who are looking for support and a big shift.

A lot of Moms are unaware how to shift what isn’t working in their lives. And that’s where I can help. That’s my specialty.

So if you see me on FB more often showing up as my highest self, now you know why. I’m here to answer that heart call. I’m here to serve. I’m here to genuinely and authentically share my love of life and what worked to help me get there.

I’m here to show you what’s possible. I’m here to raise the bar and live an extraordinary life in every area.

And I want to take you with me. 

Who’s up for the ride?

Join me in the Badass Mom Society on Facebook.