Can you really have it all?

Can you really have it all?

I say YES. 

The answer:

Repeat after me….

“I am worthy and deserving of ALL life has to offer.
I am limitless.
I am important.
I am loved.
I am enough.”

So this question… Can you really have it all? You do realize that even entertaining the thought of lack is crazy, right? Of course, you can have it all.  You’re the f’ing light.  You’re made from energy.  And can shape and create this life any way you choose.

You create your thoughts.  Your thoughts create your intentions.  And your intentions create your reality. 

Of course, you can have it all. No one ever said it was easy.  That this life or ‘having it all’ would be a piece of cake.  But if there’s one thing I know for sure it’s that we were made to do hard things.

We’re designed to persevere and to live abundant, prosperous, joy-filled lives. That power lies within each of us. By shifting our beliefs and looking at life from a soul level perspective we understand that we are powerful beyond measure and that anything really is possible. Can we really have it all?

Repeat after me:

“I can.  I will.  Watch me.” 

Having it all comes easy to me.  And it can for you too.

If you’re ready….really ready to have it all.  Then you need to take the first step.  And figure out what’s getting in the WAY of your next level life.

Check out this instant download of the 5 Worst Strategies High Achieving Women Implement While Trying To Up-Level Their Lives.  So you can avoid these very common mistakes.  (I’m SURE you’re doing #2) Remove the obstacles and you’re one step closer.  Let’s get you there.


What Women Fear Most

What Women Fear Most

I know what you’re afraid of…..

Working with hundreds of high achieving women who are already living a great life, they have all shared one common big, scary, daunting fear….

What’s that fear?

Not living up to their true potential.  

Yep.  Basically, we’re all afraid of playing small.  AND WE’RE PLAYING SMALL.

We’re afraid of not really living this life to the FULLEST.
We’re afraid of not serving from the depths of our soul.
We’re afraid of not taking full advantage of this life and all it has to offer.
We’re afraid of not really showing up as all we know we can be.

Essentially our soul is longing for something MORE and we’re pulling away.  Instead of leaning in.  

I know this because I’ve felt it too.  A few different times in my life.

Once when I was afraid to get married and have kids.  I’m the minority here I know.  I was so afraid that it would be a shit show.  That I’d marry someone like my Dad who was an alcoholic and someone who would never be there for me.  And that raising kids would be WAY too hard and I wasn’t up for the challenge.  I would for sure be terrible at it and was honestly just terrified.  For many years (10 to be exact) I pulled away and tried to avoid the inevitable – the Universal assignment that I knew was out there for me.

Then I leaned in.  I married the man who had been in love with me since I was 15.  The man who told me when he met me that I was the one.  The man who got sober for me.  Who always ALWAYS showed me that I was enough and that I was everything to him.  And we had 2 kids together.  Even though I was scared.  Even though I wasn’t sure I’d be good at it.  Even though there was so much unknown. I still leaned in.

Why…. Because my soul needed it.  The call would not stop coming.

And then again.  When I had an amazing career that I thought I would stay in for the rest of my life.  I got another call.  To leave and start my own coaching business.  Even though it was fulfilling.  And I made great money.  And I loved what I was doing.  And I loved who I was working with.  I still heard the call.  And eventually listened.  And finally leaned in.

When we lean in instead of pull back we come face to face with our biggest fear of not living up to ALL THAT WE CAN BE.  And coming face to face with that fear is the only way we can move through it.  

No one has ever regretted facing a fear.  None of my clients have ever regretted STEPPING UP and stepping into their full potential.

And here’s what I learned.

I didn’t have to be all I thought I needed to be in order to lean in.  I could never BE an amazing Mom before I became a Mom.  I didn’t have to be a successful entrepreneur and coach before starting my business.  I just had to take the first step.  And I would BECOME it along the way.

When these fears show up.   When we hear the call of a Universal Assignment, we have to lean in.  And BECOME all we desire along the way.  

One more big reminder.

We can’t avoid the call.  The Universal Assignment will keep showing up for us.  The only way THROUGH it is to face it.  Head on.

Step up.  Lean in.  Face your fear.  And all those other motivational quotes.  Because we only have ONE LIFE.  So let’s live it to the fullest.

If this resonates with you.  And you’re ready to answer the call, check this out.  I have a FREE download of the 5 Worst Practices High Achieving Women Implement While Trying To Up-Level Their Lives.  Download this pdf so you can avoid what most women don’t while talking your life to the next level.

Then go out there and JUST DO IT.  (The last motivational quote I swear.) 

How to Step into your Next Level Life NOW

How to Step into your Next Level Life NOW

If you want a blissed out, crazy fulfilling, ‘Holy Shit I Never Imagined It This Good’ kind of life, then you have to change something to get there.

Because guess what?!  The same thing you’ve BEEN doing WON’T get you there.  Yep, you already knew that, didn’t you?  But you’re also still doing the SAME THING.

Here’s the shift.

You have to change your DAILY HABITS.

Our life is defined by our daily habits. Whether they are consciously created or not. Conscious is really the keyword. Because we can create a lot of unconscious daily habits.  Easily.

Feeding your fear with food or TV or social media is an unconscious daily habit.
Comparison and jealousy are too.
Putting ourselves last.
Focusing on lack.
Negative thoughts.

Our triggers, our judgments, our self-sabotage are all unconscious, negative habits that hold us back from living that juicy delicious life we’re after. Look at anyone’s life and you will know what daily habits got them where they are.

A healthy, happy woman has a lot of healthy daily habits. 

She has a solid morning routine.
A self-care practice.
A gratitude practice.
She probably meditates.
Eats clean.
Has a strong community of women around her.
She knows what to do with her fears and shame.
She knows how to manage her triggers.

These are all powerful daily conscious habits.

So yes, the key to your next level life lies in your daily habits. 

Now how can we change them and replace the unconscious, negative habits with new powerful positive ones? I have a few strategies that have helped me.

1. Track and measure what you’re trying to create
2. Remove the obstacles standing in the way
3. Have someone hold you accountable

These three steps have worked for me and hundreds of my clients.  They have helped me create powerful positive habits from a daily green drink and vitamin supplements, new gratitude practices, giving my husband his love language to telling my kids every night that they’re meant for greatness.  They can work for you too in any area of your life for any new habit you want to create.

Check out my 5 Worst Practices High Achieving Women Implement When Trying To Up-Level Their Lives so you can avoid these practices and use powerful positive practices that work.

You won’t believe #5! (Actually, you will, because I’m sure you’re doing it.)

Your next level life is waiting… and oh is it worth it.