Prepare for the New Year: 4 Simple Steps to Manifest Anything

Prepare for the New Year: 4 Simple Steps to Manifest Anything

We all want to create the life of our dreams, right?

With the New Year right around the corner we’re all focusing on making this our BEST YEAR YET.

So here are the basics…..

If you are familiar with the basics of the law of attraction, then you know how to use it. You know that thoughts become things. You know that your thoughts place an order and you know that what you focus on you’ll get more of. It’s that simple, right?

So why isn’t it working?  Feels a little empty I know.

Even if we KNOW our thoughts become things there are still things we WANT.  Why aren’t we ALL living the life of our dreams?

Sometimes we try and try to manifest a certain thing…. a certain relationship…..a certain weight……a new job……more money……a speaking gig at your favorite conference (ok maybe that’s just me). But why hasn’t it happened yet?

Here’s a great tool that will help you.

I created these 4 simple steps to help you go deeper.  To help you finally manifest your dreams, desires and goals and watch them leap into your life. You’ll experience the jubilation of that dream come true and you’ll more thoroughly enjoy the journey.

I created these 4 simple steps to help you go deeper.  To help you finally manifest your dreams, desires and goals and watch them leap into your life. This is the behind the scene secret to the law of attraction.

Are you ready for change? For the 2017 of your DREAMS? Then buckle up and let’s get started….

Step #1. Get excited and KNOW that it will come!

The first and probably most important step in this 4 step process is GET EXCITED! Really get excited! Let’s pretend that I’m a world renowned psychic and I just looked into your very near future and told you that your most treasured dreams, your most sought after goals are happening to you right now. They’ve been ordered and they’ve been shipped. They’ll be arriving shortly. What would you do? Would you celebrate? Would you jump for joy? You would par-tay! You would get excited. You would think holy cow it’s actually happening. So get in that feeling place get excited and KNOW that it will come. Have faith, stay strong and celebrate its arrival.

Step #2. Change your thoughts by any means possible.

So this step is very important and usually a little challenging for people. You see, you can’t expect great things when you’re thinking lousy thoughts. So if you have any negative or contradictory thoughts to that big manifestation you’re working towards you MUST change those thoughts. How do I change those thoughts you ask? Well, there are a lot of options here. Choose one that works for you. You can first try and stamp “cancel” on the thought when it comes up. Use this great phrase shared with me by my friend and teacher Andy Dooley. “Stop cancel clear, I have nothing to fear, all my love is here.” You can repeat powerful affirmations, write affirmations daily, read affirmations daily. You can read books that inspire you, surround yourself with people who inspire you. You can do things you love. Redirect your thought to something you love. You can also try the very effective and profound work of Byron Katie which teaches you to inquire on the stressful thought, ask four questions and then turn it around. Look into more ways to change those negative thoughts and change them by any means possible. Your thoughts MUST align with your dreams. So think good thoughts, stay positive and remember those thoughts are creating things in your life.

Step #3. Be grateful for where you are and appreciate every little success.

Soak in gratitude. Bathe in appreciation. Be overwhelmingly grateful for exactly where you are. After all there is a lot to be thankful for isn’t there? You have everything you need at this perfect moment in time. Be grateful for every little success. For the fact that you’re here, you’re breathing, you’re smiling, you’re manifesting. You have created the right and perfect life that you have around you right now. And if you want to enhance that perfect life, you have to be grateful for it. Celebrate every success, appreciate every success. From that parking space to the smell of coffee soak it all in and FEEL grateful.

Step #4. Do what makes you happy and let it flow.

Now, here’s the fun part, sit back, smile and allow it all in. The key to allowing that manifestation into your life right now and for good is to FEEL GOOD! It’s that easy. Be happy. Do what you love. Do every little thing that makes you happy and you’re bound to feel good. When you’re laughing, when you’re smiling, when you could do what you’re doing all day then you’re in the flow. There’s nothing that can stop you. You’re powerful beyond measure. And in that happy state of mind you’re manifestations are moving at the speed of light. You’ve done it. It’s here. Sit back and enjoy it!

Mike Dooley author of the great book Infinite Possibilities says “Thoughts Become Things!” And Wayne Dyer eloquently teaches “you create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, your intentions create your reality.” Get excited, change your thoughts, be grateful and be happy. You’ll find joy in the journey and you’ll be living the life of your dreams!

I will be hosting some virtual and live 2017 Planning Parties.  Email me if you’d like to attend. And I have a 4 part audio series diving deep into this process even more.  The first 5 people to email me will get that $47 program for free.  Tis the season.

Wishing you ALL your dreams come true


Get Happi Now Video – Create Your Dream Life Faster

Get Happi Now Video – Create Your Dream Life Faster

I had an amazing weekend here in Chicago.

Spent an entire day with one of my mentors Mike Dooley. He’s a POWERFUL and very POSITIVE author and the man behind “The Notes From The Universe.” If you don’t get them yet you MUST. Every day you get one it will feel like it was written just for you. One of my favorite things to do every morning!

You can find them here:

His workshop reminded me how IMPORTANT it is to focus on the GENERAL end result of what you’re trying to achieve. Or what you want in your life. When we get attached to something happening one way, we limit the Universe. We can dabble in the details but dwell on the end result.

This is how I accomplished EVERYTHING I’ve ever wanted in my life. Literally. I use a lot of processes to do this and have been teaching it for over 15 years. It’s literally what I would credit to the majority of the amazing things that I’ve created over the last 5 years. This and Lifebook ( and the Byron Katie work ( So there you have it. Lots of fun resources. 🙂

Check out this video to hear why you need to focus on the END RESULT.

Now head over to my Facebook page and tell me what your new end result is.

Have you joined my new Facebook group yet? Join me here!

3 Steps To Create More Incredible Experiences In Your Life

3 Steps To Create More Incredible Experiences In Your Life

Why do some people seem so much luckier than others?

Does it ever feel like you’re living the same year over and over again while other people are living exciting, edge of their seats, fun, wild adventures?

I used to feel that way. Until recently. Now I feel like I’m consciously creating TONS of epic adventures in my life.

And I believe it’s our God given right to live this life as we choose. Having as much fun as possible. Finding all the joy along the journey that we can muster.

If you want more epic, fun, exciting experiences in your life, here are the simple steps you can take to create MORE incredible experiences in your life.

Step 1. Ask for them.

Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. I love to announce and declare how much I love to travel. I also don’t give in to the common American way of thinking that the harder we work and the less we live the more we’re winning at life. If you want epic experiences you have to ask for them. Be bold. Get out there and announce and declare the life you want to have. If it includes luxury, tropical trips, family time, romance, adventure. Whatever it is YOU want, ASK FOR IT. Don’t be shy. Don’t be afraid. Put it out there.

Step 2. Allow it.

Now you have to get keen to the art of allowing. Which boils down to being happy. The happier and more grateful you are for your life right now. The more epic stuff that will come to you. So just how happy can you be?! You don’t have to be doing epic exciting stuff to be happy. You can be happy doing anything that makes you happy. Be happy riding a bike. Be happy laying in the grass. Be happy listening to music. What makes ME happy will be totally different from what makes YOU happy. So do what makes YOU happy. Think of it as a magic elixir to epic experiences. Happiness breads epic experiences.

Step 3. Say YES

I guarantee you that you’ve had multiple incredible experiences that you have allowed to pass you buy. I recently got invited to an epic wedding in Austin Texas. It was the weekend before I was leaving for Europe for one of my all time favorite conferences Awesomeness Fest. My first thought, “Oh my God, I HAVE to go to this!” My second immediate thought was,“Oh shoot, I can’t, I’m going out of town the next weekend.” I was allowing the typical Mom guilt of leaving my kids to prevail over my decision, but it kept calling me. “GO TO THIS WEDDING”.

What is the point in creating epic awesome experiences if you don’t take advantage of them? We have to say YES to those amazing experiences when they come our way. And by saying yes we create more of them. Happiness creates epic experiences and epic experiences lead to more epic experiences. When your heart says yes, don’t let your head explain it away. SAY YES and make create more memories, create more beauty, create more amazing experiences in your life today. Isn’t that what life is all about?!

What can you say YES to today?