Yesterday I Broke Down in Tears

Yesterday I Broke Down in Tears

It was a long day with the kids.

Zoe got mad and threw something that hit me in the face.

That’s what triggered it but not why I cried.

I cried because sometimes it’s really hard to parent my kids.

My story is…

  • They’re explosive.
  • Fighting happens. Often.
  • School gives them a hard time.
  • They never stop moving. Or taking. Or whining.
  • They are very needy.

And that is just exhausting.

That’s the story that took over as I cried in my room.

Self-defeating thoughts included:

“This is too hard.”

“I’m not good at this.”

“They’re so hard to parent.”

“Why can’t this be easier?”

Those were the feelings that swept over me.

But not for long.

I know not to believe and buy into the thoughts that don’t serve me. I can use them as fuel to make positive change. In this instance, to create some boundaries with Zoe around how she treats people.

But I can’t let stressful thoughts spiral out of control. Or they’ll start to define me. They’ll define us.

“It’s the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”

Aristotle was right. When we know how to let the thoughts that don’t serve us pass us by, we can find more peace. And love the people closest to us.

This is powerful work we’re up to.

Feel it. Honor it. But then don’t believe it.

Choose the thoughts that empower you and support your growth. They’re always available.

Need help? Join me for the Badass Life Intensive.

I Used To Be That Girl!

I Used To Be That Girl!

I used to be the girl …

The girl who drank 5 or 6 nights a week, and couldn’t say no to a party.  Who slept until noon as often as possible.  Who blew off engagements because she was hung over.

Who never worked out.  

Who never fed her mind.  

The girl who gossiped about people, and judged people.

Who ate McDonald’s, Taco Bell and White Castle.  Who drank sugar filled Starbucks drinks daily.  

Who had more self-doubt then she did belief.

Who didn’t think she was enough.  Not smart enough. Not capable enough Not worthy enough and not lovable.

Now I’m the girl…

Who wakes up early.  

Who begins her day in gratitude.  

Who reads affirmations and says them out loud.

Who meditates and visualizes, and uses a chakra kit.

Who shows up for her friends day or night or 3 am if they need her.  

Who shows up for herself and completes what she starts.  Who puts her self-care first. And makes her health a priority.

Who has more positive self-talk than negative.  

Who eats super-foods daily. Who takes supplements daily.

Who loves on her husband daily!

Who sets annual goals. Quarterly goals. Monthly goals and weekly goals.  Who tracks and measures her daily habits to stay on track.

And who will never settle for who she was before.

I’m that girl now – and if I am that girl – then anything is possible!

Who are you?

If your ready to find out, join me for the Next Level Life Mastermind.

next level life mastermind

The 5 Biggest Regrets People Have Before They Die

The 5 Biggest Regrets People Have Before They Die

This last week I’ve been doing a lot of small group coaching.  And a common theme has been creeping in…. regrets.

It’s something we often don’t reflect on until it’s too late.


And while reflecting I came across this article by John-Paul Iwuoha.

The 5 Biggest Regrets People Have Before They Die


What he shared in the article was…

Bronnie Ware – an Australian nurse and counselor – took care of terminally ill people, most of whom had less than 12 weeks to live.   As part of therapy, Bronnie would ask about any regrets they had about their lives, and anything they would do differently.  Of all the responses she got from her patients, she noticed there were 5 regrets that stood out.


These were the most common regrets her patients wished they hadn’t made:


1) I wish I pursued my dreams and aspirations, and not the life others expected of me

I think the biggest lesson from this regret is, if you know what really makes you happy, do it!  (Follow your bliss…)


2) I wish I didn’t work so hard

No surprise here.  We don’t often wish at the end of our lives that we had spent more time at work.  People often wish they had put more focus on other things including their relationships, their health and their spirituality.  In short…DO….IT….NOW!

3) I wish I had the courage to express my feelings and speak my mind

Emotional intelligence….wow.  Game changer.  This to me means also “I wish I had taken more time to work on ME.”  Because when we do the work, we get stronger.  Period.  We have firmer boundaries, and we can express our needs.

4) I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends

Social life = HUGE!  More proof that the Harvard Grant study was right.  Having close friendships can be SO IMPORTANT.   Make it that way.

5) I wish I had let myself be happier

When we realize that happiness is a choice and we put conscious effort into it that can lead to an incredibly fulfilling life.   Safeguard your happiness like it’s a precious treasure!


You know I’m a happiness coach right?! (cough cough) #shamelessplug


So I ask you…are there any REGRETS that you don’t want to die with?  

Are you spending too much time working?

Putting work in front of family, friends, relationships?

Are you making money your priority?  

Are there adjustments you can make in your life to change any of that?


I think these findings prove that living the most rewarding fulfilling life possible is not only necessary, it’s crucial to your happiness.

If you need help, you still have time to join my Happi Mom Squad.  We’ll be working at squelching any and all of our regrets.

Email me…



Founder and Happiness Coach at My Happi Life