This is Something I Never Thought I’d Say

This is Something I Never Thought I’d Say


Done settling for a life I don’t completely love.

Have you ever stared at January’s vision board and thought, F*@K, that’s totally not happening?!

Uh, yeah. Me too.

When I started living without self-imposed limitations and from a place of enough, every part of my life became abundant. Every inch became alive.

Relationships. Money. Sex. (We’re all adults here.)

And, I’ll happily be the class gossip and let you in on a giant secret: YOU DESERVE THE SAME.

But before I can help get you there, I need to, actually, YOU need to know what’s stopping you from living a life of abundance.  Where do YOU need the help, support and guidance?

Over the next few weeks my mission is to learn how I can serve you the most in achieving ABUNDANCE.

And from those learnings, I will create content specifically tailored to YOU.

No woo-woo bullshit.  No hidden agenda.  Just me crafting something for you to intentionally, brilliantly and courageously elevate your life.

So then the question becomes — ARE YOU READY?

GOOD.  Here’s what you need to do next:

Take 10 undisturbed minutes for yourself and answer this Abundance Self-Evaluation Assessment.

The 15 best (aka clear, thorough and honest) respondents will receive a follow up call from moi to better understand and chat through your answers.

AND DON’T PANIC — pitching, selling or stalking is NOT part of the program. Pinky promise, no reversies.

And as a cherry-on-top, once you finish the Abundance Self-Evaluation Assessment you will receive my FREE GUIDE to 3 Reasons Why You Keep Settling For A Life You Don’t Love…And How To Change It.


Now, get crackin’.  You’ve got some abundance to assess. 🙂

P.S.  Everything about this assessment is gonna knock your socks off.



How I Overcame “Bad Mom” Syndrome

How I Overcame “Bad Mom” Syndrome

I was recently reflecting on my happiness. I’m a happiness coach so this comes natural to me. I realized that I was really happy in many areas of my life. I’m in great shape. I have a fulfilling career. Two happy healthy kids. The spouse of my dreams. A great social life. My husband and I were getting along great. So what was that lingering feeling that was giving me anxiety? Like I accidentally had a triple espresso. You know that heart flutter and unease that can come and go? Diving deeper I realized it was my parenting.

I have read every book out there on parenting. You name it….positive discipline, mindful parenting, simplicity parenting, whole brain child. I read baby books, toddler books, sleep books, routine books, everything. But that lingering anxiety was still there. And I finally honed in on the fact that it was a deep fear creeping up. That fear? Bad Mom Syndrome. I think a lot of women have a deep fear of being a ‘bad mom’. Having kids who misbehave. Yelling at our kids. Feeding them sugar, wheat, non-organic food. Too much TV. Too much technology. Not enough road trips and bike rides.

Now that I was aware of my big fear it was time to address it. Where did it come from? And how was it affecting me? I realized I was letting it control my life. When my kids had a meltdown, yep, fear manifest. They’re melting down because I don’t know what I’m doing. They misbehave, un-huh, there you go, I’m a bad mom. They don’t listen, yep, these books don’t’ work, I’m clueless, I need help. They’re out of control, they don’t eat, fear manifest.

Luckily, awareness is the key. When I became aware of this deep fear, this limiting belief that was running my life, now I can do something about it. Step one, look at my reactions to my kids perceived behavior. Was I reacting from my higher self? Or from my bad mom fear? Hmmmm. Let’s see, I’m yelling at them and grabbing them by the arm like a lunatic. Yep, bad mom fear. Next how can I change it? For me, that came down one big shift.

Radical acceptance.

How can I radically accept my parenting?

I looked deeply at my strengths and highlighted those. And looked at my weaknesses. And stopped trying to change those. I might not be an all organic, whole food, sugar free Mom and I’m okay with that. I might give my kids an iPad in the car or to running errands and I’m ok with that too. The stress comes from feeling bad about it. Wanting it to be different. Next…

How can I radically accept my kids?

In all their perfect imperfections. Can I accept them as the perfect messy 3 year old and the bold fearless 6 year old that they are? Is it ok if they don’t take a bath every night? Yes. Why did I ever think differently? Maybe the 52 parenting books I read actually took away my ability to listen to my guidance and make my own decisions.

The most empowering decision I ever made in my parenting was to stop seeking advice. And start trusting my own instincts. Focus on my strengths, on what I’m good at, on what I can do. And really accept those areas that I need some work. So what If I don’t take both of my kids swimming when I’m alone. I’ll get over it. And the more I accept who they are like the perfection in every sunset. The better we all experience life. Syndrome cured.

Here’s how you overcome Bad Mom Syndrome.

Step 1. Awareness

Awareness is the key. When I became aware of this deep fear, this limiting belief that was running my life, now I can do something about it. I was aware of my reactions to my kids perceived behavior. Was I reacting from my higher self? Or from my bad mom fear? Hmmmm. Let’s see, I’m yelling at them and grabbing them by the arm like a lunatic. Yep, bad mom fear. Yikes. How can I change that?

Step 2. Radical acceptance

How can I radically accept my parenting?

I looked deeply at my strengths and highlighted those. And looked at my weaknesses. And stopped trying to change those. I might not be an all organic, whole food, sugar free Mom and I’m okay with that. I might give my kids an iPad in the car or to running errands and I’m ok with that too. The stress comes from feeling bad about it. Wanting it to be different. Next…

How can I radically accept my kids?

In all their perfect imperfections. Can I accept them as the perfect messy 3 year old and the bold fearless 6 year old that they are? Is it ok if they don’t take a bath every night? Yes. Why did I ever think differently? Maybe the 52 parenting books I read actually took away my ability to listen to my guidance and make my own decisions.

Step 3. Trust YOU

The most empowering decision I ever made in my parenting was to stop seeking advice. And start trusting my own instincts. Focus on my strengths, on what I’m good at, on what I can do. And really accept those areas that I need some work. So what If I don’t take both of my kids swimming when I’m alone. I’ll get over it. And the more I really accept who my kids are like I do the perfection in every sunset, the better we all experience life.

Syndrome cured.

Join Me At Awesomeness Fest!

Join Me At Awesomeness Fest!

I’m SURE you’ve heard me talk about Awesomeness Fest​?

It’s created by my friend Vishen Lakhiani over at Mindvalley and is known around the world as the “must attend” event for entrepreneurs, mavericks, artists, visionaries… This event attracts some of the coolest people on the planet.Myself included 🙂 for the last 4 years!  It has completely transformed my life.  And is responsible for my success in life, relationships and business, which is why I keep going back.

The event features killer content around personal growth and development, a Tribe of amazing thought leaders from all over the world and incredible parties. I’m talking about private islands in Thailand and Medieval themed parties in the castle that’s used as “Kings Landing” in the “Game of Thrones'” TV series kinds of parties.

I love this event, and think you will too!

Watch this short video to hear why I keep going back!

The next Awesomeness Fest is Thursday, October 22 – Sunday, October 25 at the luxurious and all-inclusive Westin Golf Resort & Spa in Guanacaste, Costa Rica.

The people that attend this event are among the most amazing, dynamic, loving, conscious groups that you can imagine. People you’ll be inspired by. People you’ll learn from.

If you decide to attend, it will likely be one of the most amazing experiences of your life partly because of the friends and connections you’ll make.

If you have a passion for taking your life to the next level–both personally and professionally, I highly recommend you check it out.

For a sneak peak of what you can expect, check out this vid.