I’ve been struggling

I’ve been struggling

I’ve been struggling.  I’ve been struggling with letting go.  I’ve been struggling with over thinking.  I’ve been. struggling with doing too much and getting nowhere.  I’ve been struggling with trying too hard.  With forcing.  With over controlling.   With trying to control the world actually.  With trying to control other peoples worlds too.  I’ve been struggling. 

Can you relate?  

This is a regular occurrence for me.  It’s cyclical.  I struggle.  I keep struggling. I try fighting it.  I try pushing it away.  I struggle more.  And then I break down.   I crash and burn.  I get sick or overwhelmed and I give up.  I throw my hands in the air.   I drop down to my knees (literally) and I surrender.  I let go and let God.  

And undoubtedly here’s what happens….   It all gets easier.   

Just like that things start getting better.  It’s like a slingshot.  Like I’ve been pulled back so far there’s only one way up and out and the second I let go I get catapulted forward. 

 I don’t struggle as often as I used to.  It happens less and less frequently and I catch it sooner these days.   The minute I catch it I have an array of things I can do to instantly let go.   

Here’s the short list: 

  • Sing
  • Dance 
  • Laugh
  • Do a cartwheel
  • Call a friend 
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Find an inspiring video  
  • Brew a cup of coffee
  • Sing some more 
  • Shout at the top of my lungs “I LOVE MY LIFE” 
  • Pet my dog 
  • Pet my husband 
  • Do dishes (Kidding…  I hate doing dishes!) 
  • Take a bath
  • Hug a tree
  • Feel the sunshine on my face
  • Pray 
  • Meditate 
  • Take a long hot steam shower
  • Take a walk in nature 

And use this mantra:

It’s my time.  Align.  Align. Align.  I release the how.  Allow.  Allow. Allow.

The truth is everything we want is achievable when we let go.  It’s the way we allow in all our desires.  We’re just stuck in the illusion of lack and fear and the hustle.  We’re stuck believing that the harder we paddle upstream that we’ll get downstream.  Life doesn’t work that way.  The minute we let go of the oars our boat turns and we allow our  dreams in.  

Are you struggling in any area of life?  

What can you do to let go?  

A Quick Shift and a Powerful Process to Attract What You Want in Your Life

A Quick Shift and a Powerful Process to Attract What You Want in Your Life

I hope you’re all doing ok friends. I wanna teach you a process I’ve used for over 20 years. This process can help you shift your state in the moment if you’re feeling fear or overwhelm or worry. And..it can help you align with the reality you DO want and attract it into your life. This process called a “future pull” can be worked into your everyday life. (I do it in the shower.)

You can practice it by visualizing what you’re excited to experience after we’re on the other side of this pandemic. I share some fun examples in this vid. And fun ways you can do it.


I hope this helps you find more peace and joy!

I’d love to hear what YOU’RE excited to do when you can live life outside again! Reply to this post and let me know.

Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay positive. #wevegotthis

How You Can Get Through These Hard Times With More Stability And Strength.

How You Can Get Through These Hard Times With More Stability And Strength.

It’s not easy to ride this roller coaster of emotions. Sharing a few tips here how you can get through these hard times with more stability and strength. Plus a suggestion… check in with your friends. Especially your extrovert friends. This is hard on us all and it might be harder on your strong friends then you think. Go easy on yourself and others.

I also wanted to share a process I’ve been using to boost my mornings. I call these 8 Power Questions. I write them in my journal every morning or in the notes on my phone after gratitude and meditation. Here are the questions: 


  1. A ‘big message’ I need to remind myself of and keep uppermost in my mind today is…
  1. The 3 goals/objectives I am most committed to completing today are… 
  1. Today I’m most committed to experiencing myself as… 
  1. What is most likely to get in the way/pull me off track from accomplishing my goals and feeling how I want to feel is…
  1. My plan for when that ☝☝☝☝ happens is…
  1. ONE action I could take today to stretch myself and get a LITTLE uncomfortable is…
  1. ONE action I can take to get outside and/or find some joy today is…
  1. I will know that today had been a successful day because…

(What would you have had to have done, experienced or felt?)

Try these out in the morning and see if it sets your day up for success and stay tuned for an evening process… 

Please let me know if there’s anything I can do, from my home to yours, to support you on this journey.

Come from love. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Stay positive. This too shall pass. #wevegotthis


Finding joy,
