What Are You Most Proud Of?

What Are You Most Proud Of?

Someone asked me recently what I’m most proud. My answer was not what she expected. She expected me to say…

  • Writing a book
  • Or being a mom
  • Or starting my business
  • Or launching my coaching program
  • Or my relationship with my husband
  • Or my health and fitness

She rattled those off as potential ideas. But none of that is what I’m most proud of. I’m most proud… of FACING MY FEARS.

Facing my fears of being a mom, facing my fears of being a wife, facing my fears of writing a book, of coaching, of being vulnerable and being real and raw and open and putting myself out there in this world. THAT is what I’m most proud of.

That’s what moves me to tears and what keeps me going. Moving through my fears has been the most powerful thing I’ve ever done. And trust me when I say this. You can do it too.

You may not have a fear around being a mom like I did. Or around getting married. Or starting a business. But you have a fear. I know you do.

No matter what it is you CAN move through it. Once you identify it. (And I know that you know what it is…) Then you have to move past it.

Or it will own you. It has no power over you unless you let it. YOU control your reality. Face your fears… head on. Do what you thought you couldn’t do. And watch your life unfold in a bigger way then you ever imagined.




Have you been longing to live the life you always wanted, but it always feels just out of reach? I’m here to help you take back your dreams. It takes a village, and that’s why I’ve built a community of women just like you who are ready to master their mindsets! Join us here: http://badassmommindset.com/

5 Things Every Marriage Needs To THRIVE

5 Things Every Marriage Needs To THRIVE

We’re exploring our love relationships in our Next Level Life Mastermind this week. We all have room for improvement. I penned this post in 2015 and find that it’s truer than ever…

I’m a happiness coach. Most of my clients are women who are struggling in their relationships. They’re unhappy, and for the most part, they blame their husbands. “He doesn’t listen to me.” “He’s self-centered.” “He has a temper.” “We don’t get along.” “He doesn’t appreciate all I do.”

8 out of 10 women I coach would describe their husbands that way or similar. As I see it, it’s our job to safeguard our own happiness. Who someone else is and even what they do to you, or how they treat you, has no effect on your happiness unless you let it.

Women CAN control their realities.

We CAN shift our thoughts.

We CAN create more inner peace and more daily happiness.

So how can we do this while in a partnership?

In my coaching and in my own relationship, I’ve found there are 5 Things Every Marriage Needs to Thrive. Everyone deserves an extraordinary relationship.  In fact, I think it’s the #1 thing that contributes to a healthy and very HAPPY life. When our relationship is thriving so are our kids. We’re better parents.  When our relationship is thriving, we think more clearly, we are better employees or entrepreneurs. When our relationship is thriving, we create from a more powerful space and we can achieve more than we ever dreamed possible.

Here are the 5 things I’ve found every marriage needs to thrive:

1. Respect.

Every marriage needs respect. Men need to feel respected. When a man feels respected he’s happier and more fulfilled. When he’s happier and more fulfilled he will cherish his wife. Simple as that. If you want to be cherished respect your man. Ask him how you can treat him with more respect. I’m SURE he’ll answer you.

2. Time together.

No matter how busy your schedule, every marriage needs quality time. It’s not always easy, but it’s always necessary. Sometimes it feels like a chore. And that’s okay. That scheduled one on one time will always lead to a deeper connection, things come up that you’ve been meaning to talk about, you get updates on each other’s lives. You might even share a laugh. These things don’t happen over text or across town. Spend time together.

3. Shared interests.

Outside of the kids and your home, every marriage needs some shared interests. Can you work out together? Cook together? Take walks? Play golf? Watch a TV series, that you both enjoy? You might have very little in common. But I’m sure you can still come up with some common interests. Shared interests = more connection. Keep it up.

4. Sex!

Need I say more? We’re human beings. And men particularly need to have sex. Can you imagine how emasculating it must feel to get rejected by your wife? Many of my clients are withholding sex from their husbands for one or more reasons, usually revolving around not feeling loved or cherished. How can a man love or cherish someone who’s emasculating them and doesn’t respect one of their basic needs? Sex is another deep connector. When you take time every week for a sexy at home “date night”, you’ll both be kinder, softer, sweeter to each other. It’s always worth it and can be a lot of fun. When you get out of your own head and let go of your resentments you might actually look forward to having sex with your husband. Which brings me to #5.

5. Forgiveness.

Every marriage needs forgiveness. Resentment, upset, frustration can’t exist in the same space as forgiveness. Forgiveness is the expressway to freedom. If you can find it in your heart to forgive your husband for all his shortcomings, you take a big leap towards more inner peace and more daily happiness. When we forgive we find love and gratitude for our partner and in that space, a marriage can thrive.

What can you do to invest in your relationship?  How can you take responsibility for your own happiness and create more fun and connection with your partner?  Head over to my Facebook page and tell me what you can commit to.  Let’s all move our relationships forward in a powerful way this year.


Choose Your Reality.

Choose Your Reality.

Walking in the woods today I cried…

Those of you that know me well won’t be surprised. My husband teases me that I cry at mall openings. 😆😍 I don’t cry at mall openings. But I do cry often. Almost every day. And it always…ALWAYS…out of gratitude and love for my life.

I cry when I FEEL this existence.

When I see the beauty in the world. When I take a deep breath and sense the essence of who I am. It overwhelms me.

I learned years ago not to get caught up in my thoughts. Not to focus on my circumstances. That who I am is beyond all that. And I experience what I choose to experience. I feel what I choose to feel. Even in hard times (and believe me, I’ve had plenty) I can find a way to be grateful. And see the beauty.

Sure it’s easy to be grateful and love your life on a beach. Or in the woods. Or at a wedding. Or holding a baby. It’s much harder in traffic. (But I do that too.) Or when a babies crying. (Yep. Been there.) Or when you feel stuck or unhappy or like your husband isn’t holding up his end of the deal. See I’ve made up all those stories too. And found my way out of them. Because they’re just that. Stories. They’re only thoughts in our head. They’re not reality.

We choose our reality.

And I choose my reality to be one based in gratitude and love for my life. It’s all a choice. A POWERFUL choice.

While driving home from our lake house I went through the drive-through at Starbucks. The man over the speaker was so kind and sweet. And when I saw him in person he was soulful and loving. While just handing me a green tea. And so I cried. Again. So grateful that I got to experience that beauty. 

Nothing else matters. It’s all just a dream. A movie. Playing in our head. And we write the script.

If you don’t like your life. Change your thoughts. Change your perspective. Write a new script.

It’s ALL possible.

And I’m here if you need me…I’ll be crying. 😊

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