Day 2 – The Belief Challenge

Day 2 – The Belief Challenge

Believe that Friendship is an Honor and Privilege.

Being a great friend has always been extremely important to me.

When I was in high school, I remember someone writing in my yearbook that I was a great friend. That felt amazing and I was so proud!

I didn’t care if people thought I was fun or funny or cool, I just wanted to be a good friend. That was what fueled me and I made a conscious decision to get more of those kinds of comments in my yearbook the following year.

To this day, I still crave deep meaningful friendships. They fill me up in a way that nothing else can.

When we honor and value our friendships, it can bring more joy and fulfillment into our lives.

“If you want trust, trust others. If you want respect, respect others. If you want help, help others. If you want love and peace in your life, give them away. If you want great friends, be one. That’s how it works.” ~Dan Zadra

Today I’m focused on how I can enhance my friendships even more. How I can value and appreciate each of my friends more deeply.

What can you do today to honor your friendships?

Years Ago I Was Afraid of Wanting….

Years Ago I Was Afraid of Wanting….

I was afraid that wanting would lead to trying. And trying would lead to failure.
I was afraid of wanting to get married.
I was afraid of wanting to have kids.
I was afraid of wanting my big dreams.
I was afraid of wanting deep friendships.
I was afraid of wanting abundant health.
I was afraid of wanting financial freedom.
I was afraid of wanting a life of happiness, inner peace and joy.
There wasn’t one event that made me start wanting. Not one event that made me believe in myself.
My personal growth was a journey, a climb, mostly uphill.
It’s work to work on ourselves. To move through our fears and start believing in our personal power.
But now I find I can’t stop wanting.
I want to fly first class everywhere.
I want to see the world and have epic new experiences.
I want t to be important.
I want to be the highest version of myself I can possibly be.
I want to give back, and change lives.
I want an interesting and surprising life.
I want a relationship that people only dream of.
I want my kids to understand their personal power and be their best selves.
I want to be in phenomenal shape and live a long and healthy life.
I want a circle of friends that inspire and uplift me.
I want to leave this world better than when I came.
I don’t know if I’ll achieve all these things. But I will always want more. I’ll always encourage my kids to want more. And I will always believe in the possibility.
I’ll never be afraid of wanting. Or trying.
Life is worth it.

You Can Have It All

You Can Have It All

We CAN have it all.

As long as “it all” is whatever YOU want. There’s a lie we tell ourselves that we don’t deserve it. That there’s not enough to go around. That its hard. That we have to suffer to get it.
They’re all lies. Anchors we drop that hold our boat back from floating downstream. These lies are limiting beliefs that we begin to create from.
We create our reality through our thoughts, words and beliefs.
Why let those anchors hold you back any longer?
Drop the anchor and your boat will float naturally. You don’t need to pick up the oars. And paddle. Just…. let…. go.
Cut the rope of every anchor and let go. Your boat will turn and flow downstream. Downstream is where your dreams are. Focus on the end result of what you DO want.
Remove the limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
“I’m not enough.”
“I need to DO more.”
“I’ll be happy when I get________.”
“But my husband is so negative.”
“I don’t deserve it.”
“Who am I to have it all”
Let your boat do what comes naturally. Let it turn and flow with the river. Your desires are waiting there.
If you need help with this I’m here for you.