Day 9 – Belief Challenge

Day 9 – Belief Challenge

Believe In Your Dreams

This may sound a little ‘out there’ but I’m going to lay it out there anyway. Here it is:  Your dreams have chosen you as much as you’ve chosen them.

They’re as important as you let them be.

I used to dream of writing a book. It was a big dream that I never thought I would ever achieve.

I was plagued with negative thoughts:

  • Who wants to read what I have to write?
  • Why would anyone listen to my message?
  • Who do I think I am?
  • That’s reserved for people who are smarter than me, more successful than me, better writers than I am.

I could never have written a book and become a best-selling author had chosen to listen to that little voice.

I had to believe in my dream. And not just to believe in it, I had to have faith,  to step into it AND take action on it.

Belief always has to be accompanied with action if we’re going to make a dream come true.

My belief that I couldn’t do it was accompanied by the action of not doing it.

Once I started to believe, I started taking action and with little steps forward, I did it.  Simple as that.

The belief is the trigger. The action makes it a reality.

“If you think you can do a thing or you think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” Henry Ford

Believe in your dreams and you can achieve them. You can achieve ANYTHING.

What dream are you following right now?  What are you going to make happen?

Day 8 – Belief Challenge

Day 8 – Belief Challenge

Believe It’s Working, And It Will

There is immense power in belief.  Stronger than you know.  Even stronger than you can imagine.

There’s something in science called “The Observer Effect.”  It plays out like this:  When the scientist or the observer BELIEVED something would happen, it happened more often than if they didn’t believe it would.

Yep. Our belief is just that powerful.

When you believe something will work for you it will work.

Choose now. Believe. That’s the first step.

Day 7 – Belief Challenge

Day 7 – Belief Challenge

Believe You Are Far Bigger Than Anything That Can Happen To You

You are powerful beyond measure.  Anything really is possible for you.

You can be, do and have anything you want in life no matter what your circumstances.

In your life‘s journey, there will be excitement and fulfillment, boredom and routine.  When you have a dream that’s bigger than you, one that truly reflects your values and ideals, and that can serve the world, you will always have a reason to carry-on.

This is powerful work we’re up to.

And it all starts with belief.

What do you believe?