If you want a better life….

If you want a better life….

You have to change something.  

We often want MORE but we don’t DO MORE.  It’s a simple formula.  If you want to upgrade your life.  Upgrade your daily habits.

It’s so simple.  Not EASY, but SIMPLE.

Our lives are made up of our daily habits.  

But we often don’t put any effort into consciously creating those daily habits.  We don’t install daily habits that will enhance and fuel a better life. A life we really desire.   Most of us try to create a new habit.  We make a plan and start doing it. We go to yoga more.  Start a gratitude practice.  We try to be more loving to our partners.  We write a new affirmation. And decide we’re going to be more present.  But then… We STOP DOING IT!  

If you’ve done a lot of internal work, like I have, then you know what you need to do.  You have a lot of tools in your toolkit.  You know what daily habits will support your new desires.

You don’t need to learn more processes.  You just need to APPLY them. Consistently. And you have to create new HABITS.

What works for me, is tracking and measuring those habits.  And having someone hold me accountable. Only then do I  create consistently what I WANT.  Only then do I really make a powerful positive change in my life.  

If you want a better life.  Create better habits.

This is something I have mastered and LOVE to do.  I help women discover what they really want, why they want it, then create the new daily habits to support it.  AND, I hold them accountable until they get it.

Simple formula.  POWERFUL results.  

next level life mastermindIf you’d like some support with this I have a Next Level Life Mastermind starting in June.  It’s the most powerful program I’ve ever taught. You can still join us. And in 10 weeks your life will be unrecognizable.  You’ll make more progress in 10 weeks towards the life of your dreams then you have in the last few years.


Your new daily habits will get you there.  This is the coaching, the community and the accountability you’ll need to skyrocket your life to a totally new level.  

June 11th we officially start the sisterhood.  

June 21st-24th we meet.  In person. Total luxury.  Total commitment.

August 17th we celebrate our new fantasy lives.  

If you’re ready, apply here.  I’m ready to support you and help you make this happen.  

People Think I Have An “Easy” Life

People Think I Have An “Easy” Life

People think I have an “easy” life. Someone actually said to me recently…

“Sure it’s easy for you, you’re married and your husband has money.”

What they didn’t know is: I met John when he had a broken arm and a broken leg and wasn’t working.

What they don’t know is: He struggled battling drugs and alcohol for the first 8 years of our relationship.

What they don’t know is: He got sober at 28 and through it all, I never left his side.

What they don’t know is: I saw in him what he lost for many years, the man who could have this life. The man who deserved this life.

What they don’t know is: We both had big dreams. And we both went after them.

What they don’t know is: We’re both self-made We’ve earned every penny we have.

What they don’t know is: We still struggle sometimes, we’re both explosive and we fight a lot.

What they don’t know is: We agreed a long time ago, lifetimes ago, to have this life together. And that overrides everything.

What they don’t know is: We’ve earned this life we have. We’ve earned this love. We’ve earned this abundance. We’ve earned it all.

Things can appear so easy. We never know what someone went through to get all they have or what they’re going through now.

The important thing to remember is we create our lives. Every moment of them. We chose who we’re with. We choose our experiences. We create our abundance or lack of it. There is nothing in our lives that is beyond our control.

If you want something. Go after it. Earn it. And it can be yours.



Are you an “obliger”?

My coach asked me that a few years ago.

What do you mean? I asked.

And before she could answer ALL of my “obliging” came flooding back to me. Like a movie reel. I could see time and time again how I went out of my way to “oblige” other people. Never putting myself first.

It’s been a long obliging road.

Even as a young girl I would make nice and didn’t want to make waves.

After college I had a boyfriend who lived in Colorado. He was older than me. When I was traveling in Europe he cheated on me. He said he was with this girl because she had to release her Chee.

(Barf)Not kidding. This really happened.

And I obliged. “Oh that’s ok. I understand”.


I broke up with him a few months later in a letter. Telling him that he was just too much for me. That I was meant for a more simple life and he was meant for greatness. It was the only way an obliger could get out. So I obliged. God forbid I hurt his feelings.

I’ve obliged my way through partnerships that no longer served me.

Through jobs that I should have left years ago.

In relationships that had run their course.

In friendships that were clearly meant for a season not a lifetime.

Even obliging others who I’ve loaned big amounts of money but I don’t want to ask them about it for fear that it might hurt their feelings. Seriously?!

I’m an obliger. Clearly.

And what that means to me now is that I need more boundaries.

I need more self love. I need to put myself first and need to oblige ME.

When I can do that I can consciously create a life I DO want. Not one that’s dictated by other people agendas.

It’s an uphill climb. But with awareness my obliging others habit doesn’t stand a chance.

Are you an obliger? Where do you need to create more boundaries in your life?